fall intensive
Rosen Method Bodywork Fall Intensive
A 5-Day Experiential Intensive
Explore the way our bodies put us in touch with our inner world—the world of feeling and insight.
The Rosen Method is taught experientially. Over our days together you will be held in a community that is practicing attuned, kind touch and listening to one another with our whole body.
Each day, you will experience the joy and ease of a Rosen Method movement class in conjunction with Rosen Movement Intensive training students. Some evenings, you will explore your process working on a creative project.
Rosen Method Bodywork
Rosen Method Bodywork facilitates a greater sense of well-being by connecting patterns of muscle tension and breath to suppressed emotions. Rosen Method Bodywork uses touch and words to track and respond to subtle shifts in muscles and breath, bringing what has been suppressed into conscious awareness.
You are invited to:
Experience muscle tension relaxing from the inside out as you master a “touch from the heart” that is gently receptive and responsive rather than manipulative.
Deepen your understanding of how emotions and beliefs are expressed physically through your anatomy.
Develop compassion for how your body has helped you cope with stressful situations in your life by bringing loving kindness to difficult sensations and emotional states.
Cultivate attunement and intuition by listening with your whole body, and learning to use words that bypass the thinking, analyzing mind.
Experience the joy and ease of a daily Rosen Method Movement class.
Expand your self-exploration through an evening creative project.
This learning supports all therapeutic modalities, and is appropriate for psychotherapists, bodyworkers, and anyone interested in somatic approaches to personal growth and healing.
Rosen Method Open Center
The Rosen Method Open Center (RMOC) offers the transformative experience of Rosen Method Bodywork and Movement both to those interested in personal development and to those interested in professional certification. We offer several avenues to explore this work: private sessions, workshops, and residential intensives. Our teachers travel nationally and internationally, either in cooperation with other Rosen Method schools or to offer trainings through the RMOC in areas without a school.
RMOC is a supportive community of learning that includes certified teachers and practitioners, interns, students, and participants, all committed to ongoing development of embodied self awareness and living more authentic lives through the practice of Rosen Method Bodywork and Movement.
The prerequisite for attending the intensive is to participate in an introductory workshop.
CEs Available
37 NCBTMB approved CEs available for massage therapists and bodyworkers.. RMOC is an approved NCBTMB provider # 451023-09.
Teachers & Registration
This intensive will be taught by Ivy Green and Kate O’Shea with Julia Wittich as teacher in training. It is sponsored by The Rosen Method Open Center. For more information get in touch with me or register with The Rosen Method Open Center via the buttons on the right.
Himalayan Institute
952 Bethany Tpke Honesdale, PA 18431
Check back or sign up for newsletter for next workshop dates.
To learn more about the available accommodations and to book a room, please visit the Himalayan Institute website.
$1000 + accommodations (early bird price until August 15th is $975). Partial scholarships available.